Imagine you were in the desert and had an oasis that gave you just enough water to survive but never enough to be completely fulfilled. Sure, your oasis sucks a big bag of rocks, but you would likely never leave to look for another oasis if it meant risking your small-yet-shitty, comfortable oasis. In fact, the only thing that could ever push you to find something better was your oasis drying up or an invasion of poisonous snakes or something equally as terrifying or detrimental to your health. It’s a sad thought, but the only way most people achieve true motivation to improve their lives (in a massive way) is when their oasis has dried up and they are in such a bad spot that they have to make a change.
رافِق مَن يشبُهك، وحاوِر من يحترمُك، واستشِر من يحبُّك... وتعايَش مع الجميعِ بالحُسنى
هنالك 12 قانون في علم النفس اذا فهمتها وبدات بتطبيقها ستغير حياتك.. 1- "قانون الراحة النفسية" .. الانسحاب من الفوضى لا يقدر ب...
' ْ❜ لم يعد مُهمًا يا صاح -ليس بعد الآن- أن يبادلوك المحبة، أو الإعجاب. يكفيك في خضم هذه الحياة وبؤسها أن تحظى بخلّةِ إنسان (ترتاح) ...