Saturday 23 November 2019


"How do I handle life?"

This is a question that many of us ask ourselves.

You'd be surprised that the house we live in actually gives us a lot of answers.

- The roof says: "Aim high."

- The fan says: "Be cool."

- The clock says: "Value time."

- The calendar says: "Be up to date."

- The wallet says: "Save now for the future."

- The mirror says: "Always examine yourself."

- The lamp says: "Light up other's life."

- The wall says: "Share other's burdens."

- The window says: "Expand your vision."

- The floor says: "Always be down to earth."

- The stairs say: "Watch each step you take."

- The toilet bowl says: "When it's time to let go, just let it go."

- The toilet paper says: " Expect ... every day."

(Author unknown. Used with slight adaptation.)

What other items in our house can give us answers about how to handle life?

Would love to hear from you so that we can add to the list above. 😃

Wishing all a great weekend!

 رافِق مَن يشبُهك، وحاوِر من يحترمُك، واستشِر من يحبُّك... وتعايَش مع الجميعِ بالحُسنى