Sunday, 30 June 2019

مقولات هامة

الابتسامة تذيب الجليد وتنشر الارتياح وتبلسم الجرح؛ إنها مفتاح العلاقات الإنسانية الصافية. - فولتير

لكي ترتاح ، تعلم أن تختصر في كل شيء ، الكلام ، المشاعر ، وأحياناً بعض الناس.
- جيكوس مارتن

السلام أهم من العدالة؛ فالسلام لم يخلق من أجل العدالة، بل على العكس خلقت العدالة من أجل السلام. - مارتن لوثر

Saturday, 29 June 2019

What Is The Difference Between Management And Leadership?

Leadership and management are both necessary, but they are different.

Leadership and management are both necessary competencies that add institutional value. Neither is superior or inferior to the other; they are just different. We manage things such as programs, budgets, contracts, projects and processes, but we should be leading people. The idea of ‘managing’ people just sounds demeaning in the 21st century. Many of us wear both hats, but we need to understand the difference so that we appropriately flex within and between the two roles.

Has your boss or supervisor ever said any of this to you – I am your manager; I am managing you; or I manage ten people? What did it make you think? How did this make you feel?

In business school and graduate school, I learned that management is the act or skill of directing, controlling, handling, deciding, overseeing, etc. Not even one of these words fits in with anything I want another person doing to me or for me. How about you? I also learned that leadership is about influencing, developing, coaching, guiding, mentoring or supervising people. So we need to be leading people and managing all that other stuff. The distinction is real and it matters.

If the ‘experts’ in the field keep getting this wrong how can we expect mid-level managers and executives to get this right? The perpetual lack of understanding with these concepts is holding people back in their careers, and it is negatively impacting organizational success.

There are people who are great leaders but horrible managers, and there are people who are great managers and horrible leaders. How can this be? Because these two competencies require different skillsets. Too often hiring managers want to hire someone to lead but they focus the entire job analysis and interview on management and vice versa.

If you want to hire a manager, define the competencies for that role based on what management is all about. If you want to hire a leader, define the competencies for that role based on what leadership is all about. If you want to hire someone who will be competent in both, be sure to outline what that looks like then create an appropriate position description and ask the right questions during the interview.

Management is typically reflected via one’s title, but leadership isn’t.

One can hold the title of manager and never actually have staff or employees under his direction because he is (shall I say it again) ‘managing’ a program, a budget, a project or an enterprise that he actually has control over and needs to direct, handle and oversee effectively.

Management happens with one or more decision makers for a particular unit/department/division/organization where there exists a ‘thing’ to be managed, controlled, handled, directed or overseen. The unit/department/division/organization has a budget, program, service, contract or process (a thing) to be managed. However, the people within the respective section need to be (and I assert they prefer to be) led.

To be a leader one needs others whom he can influence or impact in some way (some people call these followers). It is not a requirement that these people be under his direct span of control in the normal supervisory lines, but they must be within his circle of influence. Leaders can – and do – lead down, across and up. We lead (influence) subordinates, colleagues, team members and even our superiors. This is why we now understand that leadership can and does happen at every level within an organization.

Leadership is about helping ordinary people get extraordinary results. It is about developing critical thinking, problem solving and process improvement skills in others and giving them the opportunity to apply these skills and have input on decisions. Leaders are charged to ask the questions that compel others (at every level) to consider choices, actually think and then provide recommendations to others.

Leadership is not about titles. It is not about seniority. It is not about status, and it is not about management. Leadership is about power and the ability to know when and how to use it to influence the people around you to do and become more! Transformational leadership is about using your actions to elevate others and put them on their path to greatness.

You can be a leader and never actually formally supervise employees, and you can be a manager and never actually have formal authority over a staff or team. It is important to note, however, that one’s position title is not a reflection of whether he is capable of doing either (leading or managing) very well.

The wrap up: Manage things and lead people.

Manage things, even manage yourself, but when it comes to other people, we prefer words like lead, supervise, coach, guide, mentor, etc. It keeps the perspective away from trying to handle, oversee, direct or worse – control – other individuals. That would not be appropriate (except in extreme circumstances – safety, etc.).

I educate students, facilitate workshops for professionals at all levels and provide consulting and executive coaching, and one thing I have been pushing against for 20 years is this notion that we would ever actually be able to effectively ‘manage’ anyone. Individual people have their own minds, and they get to make their own choices. We can try to influence and shape those choices and behaviors through leadership, but it is not appropriate to attempt to direct and control them – this is what management is supposed to be doing with “things.”

The whole notion of an ever-increasing knowledge workforce where people are being hired and paid to think strategically, align themselves with organizational missions and then deliver meaningful outcomes for internal and external stakeholders is predicated on the idea (and hopefully practice) of really having leaders develop other leaders and pull from the talent all around them (above, across and beneath their own positions of authority).

Remember when you attempt to ‘manage’ other people, you are in effect limiting or removing their choices – their power. And when you do this, you end up losing everything (all the experience, education, training and brilliance that you hired them for in the first place). Manage the things you need to manage, but lead the people you are supposed to lead.

Friday, 28 June 2019

​​🍂The Deer and the Vine

Two Huntsmen were riding around when they saw a Deer and started chasing it.

The Deer knew that the Huntsmen would kill him, so he ran as fast as he could to save his life. He saw a thick Vine, nearby and hid himself behind the large, leafy Vine leaves. The Huntsmen were riding on very fast horses and were very close behind. They were going so fast that they went paB13st the Vine and the Deer, without stopping.

After a little while, the Deer could not hear the Huntsmen any more. He peeked out slowly and could not see anyone close by.

The Deer thought he was safe. All the running had made him hungry. What could he eat? He saw the Vine and nibbled at a leaf.

The Vine shook as the leaves rustled. But right then, the Huntsmen were returning back and they spotted the Deer at once. One of the men got down on the ground and shot the Deer with an arrow.

The dying Deer said to himself, “It serves me right. If I had not eaten what saved me, I would have been safe right now!”

When we harm someone who helps us, we are harmed ourselves.

One day

One day you're going to jump out of bed and decide to take things to the next level and blow the world away with your potential!

You're not going to worry about what other people think or say!

You're not going to worry about your current circumstances or what you're going through!

You're not even going to worry about your next pay cheque or your bills & debts!

You're just going to jump out of bed and be overcome with passion and a sense of purpose that makes you feel the greatest sense of certainty and power!

You're going to look in the mirror with tears of joy in your eyes and declare once and for all that you're never ever going to play small with your life, dreams and your potential again!

You're going to get out there and DO IT! You won't care if it is even possible or if it's ever going to work out because you're so far beyond committed that nothing or no one can get in your way or stop you!

You're going to OWN your life and you're going to walk outside your house, look back at your life and run like you've never ever run before and you're never going to stop running until you finally become everything you wanted to be!

I haven't stopped running... Because I waited so long just for that one day to arrive!

I wasted years living in doubt and fear and worrying about what people would think if I stood up and started talking and sharing my gifts with the world...Now that one day is my everyday!

Don't wait for one day. Make that day... Today!
#Thought @motivism


people rarely become successful if they are comfortable in their current situation, no matter how good or bad it is. However, if someone is in physical, mental, or emotional pain from their situation, they are much more likely to take action, take risks, and work towards seemingly crazy goals.

#It is this pain that drives people to succeed.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Stop being polite.

Stop being polite.
It hinders someone's #growth
Not long ago, I used to reach out to #writers to get feedback for my work. The most common reply was: "Looks great. You're doing good." And that killed me every time. I didn't reach out to hear that. There are already too many people ready to say that. I reached out to get some valuable insights; some #criticism would be even better. So, when new writers reach out to me these days, I try not to sound polite. I let the truth out in a straightforward manner. You need to do the same for your industry juniors. When a junior designer or a developer or an architect or a marketer confides in you to know how s/he can improve, you can do two things: ➡️ Tell them where they're wrong or what they need to improve. If they're not good at it, just let them know. It's better that they know now and improve than having a false impression of them being good. ➡️ Tell them you don't have time to review, rather than saying that they're doing good. Well, you don't owe them anything. So, if you don't want to do a proper review, just don't. Also, remember, you weren't always where you stand today. You have a lot of people to thank. Lot of people whose name you don't even remember today. The best way to pay back is to help your juniors.

Standing Out

🍂Aesop at Play

Once, Aesop was playing with some children in his neighbourhood. He was running around and laughing out with those children.

While Aesop played, a Man from Athens, who knew him, walked by the playfield. He saw Aesop playing and was shocked to see his childish play.

The Man laughed aloud at Aesop and said, “Aesop, such kind of play does not suit your age and wisdom. What are you trying to teach these children? Don’t you have better things to do?”B18

hearing the Man’s words, Aesop did not lose his cool. He smiled and ran back to the field to bring a bow. The Man was curious to see what Aesop would do next.

Aesop then tied a string around the bow and kept it at the Man’s feet. Then he said, “Dear friend, if this bow is always kept strained, it would lose its elasticity. And some day, it will snap. We have to sometimes use it or let it go free so that it will be fitter for use when it is wanted!” The Man understood what Aesop said.

Physical activity is important for an active and fresh mind.

Monday, 24 June 2019


الإنسانية نهر من النور يسير من أودية الأزل إلى بحر الأبد. - جبران خليل جبران

Humanity is a river of light running from the valleys of eternity to the sea of ​​eternity. - Khalil Gibran

Your thoughts and opinions are valuable... 

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Open discussion

Imagine you were in the desert and had an oasis that gave you just enough water to survive but never enough to be completely fulfilled. Sure, your oasis sucks a big bag of rocks, but you would likely never leave to look for another oasis if it meant risking your small-yet-shitty, comfortable oasis. In fact, the only thing that could ever push you to find something better was your oasis drying up or an invasion of poisonous snakes or something equally as terrifying or detrimental to your health. It’s a sad thought, but the only way most people achieve true motivation to improve their lives (in a massive way) is when their oasis has dried up and they are in such a bad spot that they have to make a change.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Awesome Quote

"There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking."



"Any success that happens at the expense of your health, your family or your character is not real success."

Your Dream

​​:fallen_leaf:Keep Your Dream
I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Isidro. He had let me use his horse ranch to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.

The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let you use my horse ranch. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.”

“That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables, and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.”

He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it into his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, See me after class.’

The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, Why did I receive an F?

The teacher said, This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it. Then the teacher added, If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.

The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you. Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all.

He stated, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.”

Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.” When the teacher was leaving, he said, “Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams. Fortunately, you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.”

Moral: Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what. No Dream is too big or too small when one works hard to live it. One should always try making dreams come true no matter what.


In a forest, there were an Olive Tree and a Fig Tree. The Olive Tree was very beautiful. It was very proud of its beauty, therefore it never spoke to the Fig Tree kindly.

One day, the Olive Tree said to the Fig Tree, “I have leaves on me throughout the year. You are not evergreen and do not have leaves on you in the month of autumn. I am prettier than you.”

The Fig Tree never said anything to the Olive Tree and always quietly listened to it. Soon winter came and it started getting cold. One day, it started snowing Big flakes of snow were falling on the ground. The branches of the Olive Tree had lots of leaves; therefore, the snow could not pass through its branches. The snow settled on the Olive Tree. The branches of the Olive Tree could not take the weight of the snow. The branches started falling to the ground one-by-one, spoiling the beauty of the Tree.

The Fig Tree did not have any leaves, so the snow easily passed through its branches and did not injure the Fig Tree.

Changing our attitude gives us hope to live a better life.


ْ❜ أحيانًا يجب أن تمر بالأسوأ حتى تصل للأفضل. كن صبورًا. ْ❛

"Sometimes you need to go through the worst to reach the best. Just be patient"


ْ❜ إن المرء لا يمكن أن ينجح إلا إذا واجه نفسه وواجه الحياة وواجه الآخرين، بشجاعة. ْ❛

" One can't succeed, unless you can courageously confront life and others "

 رافِق مَن يشبُهك، وحاوِر من يحترمُك، واستشِر من يحبُّك... وتعايَش مع الجميعِ بالحُسنى