Monday, 25 May 2020

Building Great Relationships

Are you ready to start a relationship! 🤔

At some point in our lives, we may believe that love should be like the kind of romance we see portrayed in films, television, and novels. For some reason, I always thought my romantic relationships were less if I did not experience this kind of fairy-tale relationship. Maybe this is why I kept meeting frogs. At times, I bought into the belief that if I had a relationship with the perfect prince, then all would be well in my life. I thought, Now, I will be safe forever.

But then at some point I grew up and learned to let go of the crazy metaphor of romantic love in order to find true happiness. Yes, I was disappointed to realize that the knight riding through the night to save the damsel in distress is a fallacy. It’s a bummer. So what defines a great relationship anyways. Here's my take on it main components which build a relationship but lets look at some basic definitions first.

What is Love? Love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude towards a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

What is Lust? Lust is a feeling that is often mistaken for love at first sight. It is an intense and sudden attraction to somebody you hardly know. It is mistaken for love because the attraction is so strong.

Now to the components of a great relationship :


Good Signs - You talk openly about life issues such as finances, children, things that frighten you, where you want your life to go. You can argue and come to some sort of compromise at the end of it. Better still you argue it proves that you have the ability to talk to each other. You are open and honest with each other about your feelings.
Warning Signs - You only know their favourite colour, what paper they read. You are afraid to ask them in-depth questions about his life for fear of rejection or what you might find out. You don't discuss how you are feeling with each other and it builds up inside you, often resenting each other. Neither of you is willing to forgive one another.

Good Signs - In a crisis you stand by each other no matter what the result. You make sacrifices to make the other person happy. You are truthful and honest and don't keep secrets from one another. You are emotionally, physically and mentally compatible. You are friends as well as lovers.
Warning Signs - When the going gets tough, they get going. He has a wandering eye and had proved to be untrustworthy. He lies to you about where he has been and only confesses when you find out the truth. There is little physical affection, laughter, or communication between the two of you. He has been unfaithful on numerous occasions.

Good Signs - You are ware of your partners faults and are able to accept some imperfections. You support and encourage each other's individual interests and identity. You take the time to listen and understand the others point opinion.
Warning Signs - You criticise each other in front of others. They will not give you space to indulge in your interests and wants to spend every minute of the day with you. You are constantly struggling to live up to his standards or the person you think they want you to be. You can't forgive and/or forget each others mistakes.

Friday, 15 May 2020

:fallen_leaf:The Eagle and the Woodcutter

Once upon a time there was a kind woodcutter. One day, when he was returning from the forest after a hard day’s work, he saw a beautiful eagle caught in a trap.

The woodcutter was so overwhelmed by its majestic beauty that he set the eagle free. The eagle flapped its wings happily, looked at the woodcutter in gratitude, and flew away.

A few months later, the woodcutter was sitting on a rock at the top of a steep hill. When he sat down to have his lunch, suddenly an eagle came down at great speed from the sky and flew away with his hat. The man got up at once and ran down the hill after the bird, hoping to get back his hat. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash behind him. The rock on which he was sitting went rolling down the hill and crashed with a thunderous sound.

Then he looked at the eagle. It was the same eagle and had saved the woodcutter’s life.

The seven Ravens

A man had seven strong sons but he longed for a daughter. Eventually, a girl was born to his wife. He sent his sons to fetch water for her baptism. On the way back, one of the boys dropped the jug in the well. Now all of them were too afraid to return home. Angry by the delay, the man cursed that all his sons turn into ravens.

Meanwhile, the little girl grew up to be a beautiful and strong girl. One day, she heard people saying, “You had seven brothers. But your father cursed them to become ravens. Now, you are the only one who can save them.” She was determined to find her brothers. She took a ring belonging to her parents and set off.

After some days, she came to the glass mountain where her brothers were locked. Unable to find a key, she cut off one of her fingers to open the lock. When she went inside, she found seven plates of food and seven glasses of water on the table. The little sister ate a morsel of food from each plate and took a sip of water from each glass. But in the last little glass she dropped the ring and then went and hid inside.

Suddenly, she heard the flutter of wings. The ravens had returned. They sat down to eat. “Look at this!” the seventh raven picked up the ring in his glass, and recognised it immediately. “I wish our sister was here. If she touched us we’d be free.” The girl came forward and she touched them lovingly. At once they were restored to their human forms again.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

لحم بيتك!!

"تأكد جيدا علي من ستوزع لحم بيتك"


عندما كان العرب يقيمون الأفراح كانوا يوزعون قطع اللحم عبر لفها بالخبز .
" فإذا وجد صاحب الفرح أن عدد الحضور يفوق عدد قطع اللحم لديه او يخشى ذلك " 

يقوم بلف الخبز ببعضه (بدون لحم)

 ويوزعه على اقرب الاقربين من يعتقد انهم سيسترون عليه .

        ليوفر اللحم للغرباء 

احد هؤلاء الرجال وزع الخبز بدون لحم على عدد من أقاربه وأصدقائه من الذين يحسن الظن بهم

           "فبدأو بأكلها
          وكأنها تحتوي
               اللحم "

 احد الضيوف فتح الخبز
 ونادى على صاحب البيت 
وقال له " ابو فلان " :

        " الخبز بدون لحم "

فرد عليه صاحب البيت
 ""حقك علي ظننتك من اهلي ""

       في_زمننا الحالي ،
      كم ننخدع باشخاص
        كنا نعتقد انهم منا 
        وسيردو غيبتنا
         ويحموا ظهورنا

فتأكد جيدا علي 
من ستوزع الخبز


عندما تتخذ القرار الصحيح لا تبالِ لقلبك، تألم يوماً أو شهراً بقرار عقلي صحيح، أفضل من أن تتألم طيلة حياتك بقرار خاطئ من قلبك".

ما فائدة الحياة، إذا لم يكُن لدينا الشجاعة لتجربة كُل شيء.

لا شيء قادم إلا ما استقدمناه بأيدينا، ولا سعادة ستأتينا مالم نمهد طرقها، ولا يوجد نور في آخر الطريق وقتامة أرواحنا غالبة

يجدُر بك أن تَكون شخصاً لا تنساه الذاكرة، يُعرف من وسط الحشود،مبتسم هادئ تغزو عينيه الشمس ومازال يعرف كيف يحب الحياة بطريقته..!

لن تمنحك الحياة أي هدية، صدقني إذا أردت أن تكون لك حياة اسرقها !

‏أسعد إنسان هو : من لا ينتظر شيئاً من أحد، ولا يتوقع شيئاً من أحد، ولا يحصر تطلعاته في أحد .

 رافِق مَن يشبُهك، وحاوِر من يحترمُك، واستشِر من يحبُّك... وتعايَش مع الجميعِ بالحُسنى